thắc mắc Chia sẻ mẹo lấy idea cho Writing task 2 siêu nhanh


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cụ thể các bác thấy đề như sau

Some people believe that the age limit for the drivers should be increased to ensure road safety. To what extent do you agree or disagree?​

Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion​

=> các bạn có thể lấy câu hỏi đề này làm idea đề kia, nhìn nhé, bài này mình chỉ cần xoay lại là ra bài con lại, các bạn tham khảo bài của mình

The only way to improve safety on our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offenses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether or not stricter punishments is a sole way to improve safety on our roads is a debatable matter. Although I acknowledge the importance of imposing stricter punishments for those who are reckless when engaging in behind the wheel, I still firmly disagree with this suggestion
On the one hand, it is understandable why giving stricter punishments for driving offenses is the only way to improve safety on roads. The key rationale for this thinking is to create a deterrence effect on traffic participants . For example, higher fines for many violations could act as a deterrent, therefore many people would think twice before driving recklessly. Nevertheless, I think that this is only true in a few cases since many rich people could cover the fines, thus they would still re-offend and break the laws. (mini-conclusion) On this count, the idea that sentencing stricter punishments for driving offenses is the only way to improve safety on roads is actually invalid due to the aforementioned flaw.
Đối với dạng "only" thì mình không nên "refute" vì ngta ko có hỏi độ hiệu quả của nó, ngta hỏi ngoài cách này ra còn cách khác không, counter-argument của dạng "only" chỉ có thể viết concession thôi
On the other hand, there are a host of compelling reasons why I am convinced that there are many other ways to improve safety on roads besides imposing stricter punishments. Chief of these is increasing the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorbikes. To be more specific, young people are generally not mature enough to absorb the knowledge about road safety. For example, many researchers in the UK indicated that without awareness about the consequences of road safety, many young people probably would not wear helmets, which often leads to many accidents, or even deaths on the roads. (Discussion - what happens ???) In most countries, governments tend to launch many rules to restrict the young under 16 from operating a vehicle alleviate the number of accidents . ( mini-conclusion) This is a testament to why there are many other ways in which road safety could be enhanced besides imposing stricter punishment.

To summarize, it is understandable why many people advocate the fact that…. However, I take the view it is not the only way and there are many other ways to improve safety road