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Where a I in this game of chess
I used to think I might not be King or Queen but I might at least be Knight or Bishop. Later reality hit and I realized I was merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things. But then someone (in this exact thread if I'm not wrong) told me that when the pawn reached the end, it could be whataver it wanted to be. And so there is always hope in this game of chess, even for the lowest of the low.
Good evening, hope you're all having a restful night, and a productive, joyful weekend is waiting ahead!

Here's my new post:
Ok guys, here's my new post:

What have you been up to? I watched "Prescription of Love" this morning and it's very good. No drama, not much to anticipate or analyze, just perfect for a lazy mind like mine to enjoy a laid-back time and a bit of subtle romance.
I used to think I might not be King or Queen but I might at least be Knight or Bishop. Later reality hit and I realized I was merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things. But then someone (in this exact thread if I'm not wrong) told me that when the pawn reached the end, it could be whataver it wanted to be. And so there is always hope in this game of chess, even for the lowest of the low.
you seem to like reading, is that all you do in your spare time?
Ok guys, here's my new post:

What have you been up to? I watched "Prescription of Love" this morning and it's very good. No drama, not much to anticipate or analyze, just perfect for a lazy mind like mine to enjoy a laid-back time and a bit of subtle romance.
wow, your trip sounds great. The coming New Year's Eve, I'm also looking forward to having a trip like you. Do you have any advice for me?
wow, your trip sounds great. The coming New Year's Eve, I'm also looking forward to having a trip like you. Do you have any advice for me?
Thank you!

I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person. I'm not a good planner at all; just go when time and money allow. Anyway, booking a tour through an agent is one option, or you can hire a car and driver for a day. It's also not bad to drive yourself if this way is more convenient. These are our choices, but I'm sure other members here can give you excellent advice.
Sorry, I'm not much help.🙄
Thank you!

I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person. I'm not a good planner at all; just go when time and money allow. Anyway, booking a tour through an agent is one option, or you can hire a car and driver for a day. It's also not bad to drive yourself if this way is more convenient. These are our choices, but I'm sure other members here can give you excellent advice.
Sorry, I'm not much help.🙄
Thank you, I appriciate your advice
you seem to like reading, is that all you do in your spare time?
I am a man with many hobby. I play game, I watch movie/series, I listen to music and of course I do read.
Sadly I'm getting old, my eyes are weak, my hands shaking, my reflex slow. But alas, my pride does not falter, my mind would not allow me to play on any lower difficulty. And so, the skill meets the barrier that is the mind, and the progress is forever trapped in between. Thus gaming rarely happens anymore.
Hence only watching movie/series remains, for music can be listened while reading. And I do watch them every once in a while but there aren't many great new series or movies for me to follow, since my taste is niche.
But books, books are different, the older we get, the more life experience we have, the richer a book becomes. And the amount of books has been written? Massive. My mere TBR list alone now has more than 150 books in it, and this does not count the still coming out book series.
So to answer your question, I spend most of my spare time on reading, and that is a lot of time since I'm a lazy bum. The rest, I spend on casual gaming while listening to podcast or watching movies/series.
I used to think I might not be King or Queen but I might at least be Knight or Bishop. Later reality hit and I realized I was merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things. But then someone (in this exact thread if I'm not wrong) told me that when the pawn reached the end, it could be whataver it wanted to be. And so there is always hope in this game of chess, even for the lowest of the low.
Absolutely, the pawn is the most challenging piece to control on the chessboard. To begin the game, you must move the pawn first to create opportunities for the higher-ranking pieces to advance to advantageous attacking positions. The pawn also serves as a metaphor for our lives, starting from humble beginnings and progressing upwards. The pawn can symbolize the role of a modest employee and later evolve into a CEO (i.e., the queen).
Wow, it's already 2024! I want to wish everyone in this thread a year filled with energy, success, and joy.

For those who are still finding English challenging, I hope you experience more positive progress in learning this global language and become a better English speaker this year.
Hello everyone, I hope you all have a peaceful second day of the new year.

Today I came across a very aggressive dog, named "The Football Plastic Fan". I'm not sure what I did to it. Did I pee on it? Or did I accidentally kick it? All I know is that this dog has a very keen sense of smell and holds grudges. Somehow, it managed to unearth the pile of poop I left back in September 2023 (last year) from the trash can in a seemingly magical way and barked loudly as if it had just found a treasure. It continued barking and licking the poop, which made me feel extremely disgusted, so I decided to close the window and ignore it, as a wise person once said: "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks."

Thank you for taking the time to read about the bizarre experience I had today.

P/S: Never provoke a mad dog, especially those with a strong grudge. It's strange that this forum has so many of them.
Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy weekend! ☕

Hope you all are having a productive and peaceful day!

I'm back with my latest sharing:
I really want to buy an electric piano! I want to jam, to find the rules on how to play chords. I didn't know the theories behind these stuffs. Don't wanna know neither. Well, I don't want to learn by books but experiment it myself. Well, guess I will have to wait for a while
The lot of things I could learn when I was a young boy. How to walk, run, and see the world in my beautiful way. But I lost so many things in my teenage years. So many problems arose for me. I think that's a good explanation for why I did so poorly in college and high school. I love to make people smile. When they smile, I smile too, but they only think I'm just a clown to them.