thảo luận Practicing English with vOzers :D

This is the first quote that comes to my mind. And here is a bunch of quotes from authors on the top of my head.

- J. R. R. Tolkien

- Ursula K. Le Guin

- Ursula K. Le Guin

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Robin Hobb

- Robin Hobb

- Robin Hobb

- Robin Hobb

- Robin Hobb

- Frank Herbert

- Frank Herber

- Frank Herbert

- Frank Herbert
Beautiful! Do you have more? My need is unlimited. Short ones are preferred as I'm going to share with S and a long quote hurts his brain. Thank you so much! ☕
Just so happens I feel like ranting about this.
Be me, wee kid and none the wiser, this shit tasted heavenly. Fast forward to late teenage years, finally learned what that dish really is then started avoiding it dish like a plague. My disgust reached its final form when I got older and found out it's dubbed "raw blood pudding" in English. Bravo, I guess? Simply couldn't be outdone.
The original Viet name didn't quite do it for me you see, it only started to sink in then. I mean, consistency, viscosity, and texture wise? Pretty text book pudding for sure. Hell, if I'd never had it before and my nose was coincidentally plugged up that day, then you busted it out claiming it's "raspberry pudding with hazelnuts" or some shit, I would have believed you. Anyway, the point is realizing it's in the same category as say caramel pudding - a rather innocent and straightforward dish (that's otherwise loved by most btw). Now that, that definitely gives me the heebie jeebies.
So yeah, health risks aside, the ingredients alone made damn sure I'd never touch that dish again with a ten foot pole, raw or cooked (okay maybe the latter is passable). One of those "ignorance is bliss" moments in my life if I'm being honest.
Haha such an amusing piece! Language is so magic, yet deceptive.
1. Today is Thursday. Good morning Thursday. The weather is very nice today. The weather is hot as fire. I have a sore throat. my throat hurts. I want to get sick. I'm going to get sick. It's time for me to go to work.

2. Today is Thursday 😊 Good morning Thursday 😊 The weather is very nice today ☀️ The weather is hot as fire 🔥 I have a sore throat 😷 my throat hurts 😷 I want to get sick 🤒 I'm going to get sick 🤒 It's time for me to go to work 💼

3. Good morning, it's Thursday! 🌞☀️ The weather is 🔥🔥🔥 today, but I've got a sore throat. 🤒😷 I'm feeling under the weather and I think I might be getting sick. 🤧🤒 Time to head to work and power through! 💪💼 #ThursdayMotivation #SickDayBlues
Get well soon! 🍵
Beautiful! Do you have more? My need is unlimited. Short ones are preferred as I'm going to share with S and a long quote hurts his brain. Thank you so much! ☕
I have a lot more. My favourite author is Steven Erikson, but I know that you won't want to read 2 paragraph long of quote, so I just pick some short ones above. And beware, I am on my laptop today, so the amount shall be bigger.
Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it.
- Joe Abercrombie
Travel brings wisdom only to the wise. It renders the ignorant more ignorant than ever.
- Joe Abercrombie
You should laugh every moment you live, for you'll find it decidedly difficult afterwards.
- Joe Abercrombie
Sometimes it doesn't matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.
- Joe Abercrombie
Anyone can face ease and success with confidence. It is the way we face trouble and misfortune that defines us.
- Joe Abercrombie
The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. Still, the struggle itself is worthwhile. Knowledge is the root of power, after all.
- Joe Abercrombie
Strange, how the best moments of our lives we scarcely notice except in looking back.
- Joe Abercrombie
If life has taught me one thing, it's that there are no villains. Only people, doing their best.
- Joe Abercrombie
A man lost in the desert must take such water as he is offered, no matter who it comes from.
- Joe Abercrombie
The soul knows no greater anguish than to take a breath that begins with love and ends with grief.
- Steven Erikson (I cried :too_sad: )
The harder the world, the fiercer the honour.
- Steven Erikson
When you've burned the bridges behind you, don't go starting a fire on the one in front of you
- Steven Erikson
Why, without a sense of humour, you are blind to so much in the world. To human nature. To the absurdity of so much that we say and do.
- Steven Erikson
It is an extraordinary act of courage to come to know a stranger's pain
- Steven Erikson
Discipline is as much facing the enemy within as the enemy before you.
- Steven Erikson
The heart is neither given nor stolen. The heart surrenders.
- Steven Erikson
Soldiers are issued armour for their flesh and bones, but they must fashion their own for their souls. Piece by piece.
- Steven Erikson
Wholeness, she had learned, was not the absence of pain but the ability to hold it.
- M. L. Wang
Our grief, if held too deeply and too long, offends the very purpose of our living.
- John William
Rage against necessity is the rage of a child.
- John William
It is fortunate that youth never recognizes its ignorance, for if it did it would not find the courage to get the habit of endurance.
- John William
One does not deceive oneself about the consequences of one's acts; one deceives oneself about the ease with which one can live with those consequences.
- John William
There is no wall that can be built to protect the human heart from its own weakness.
- John William
The poet runs untrammelled across the meadow. The translator dances in shackles
- R. F. Kuang
I have the feeling that this is kind of too many, so I shall stop here. If you ever need more, just summon me here.
Beautiful! Do you have more? My need is unlimited. Short ones are preferred as I'm going to share with S and a long quote hurts his brain. Thank you so much! ☕
another short quote that I think maybe you and your significant other may enjoy or find funny
One thing, he had learned, women were better at than anything else: teaching a man to sigh.
- Robert Jordan
I have a lot more. My favourite author is Steven Erikson, but I know that you won't want to read 2 paragraph long of quote, so I just pick some short ones above. And beware, I am on my laptop today, so the amount shall be bigger.

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Joe Abercrombie

- Steven Erikson (I cried :too_sad: )

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- Steven Erikson

- M. L. Wang

- John William

- John William

- John William

- John William

- John William

- R. F. Kuang

I have the feeling that this is kind of too many, so I shall stop here. If you ever need more, just summon me here.
I relate so much to this quote, "Wholeness, she had learned, was not the absence of pain but the ability to hold it."
There are never too many. Thank you very much for sharing them. 🍒
Dear honey.
I pray that in your world, every day is a beautiful day. Even if you forget to bring an umbrella, you still say to yourself: "I want to get wet today!" When the sun dispels the dark clouds, you are always radiant.
I hope you grow up not by force. Learn to laugh without speaking, admit but don't believe, learn to understand people's hearts are endless. I know you're a hot-tempered person but take it easy and everything will be fine, don't rush.
I wish you luck always. Always be grateful for life, love the good things, and also love yourself. You smiled brightly, very beautiful.
I hope you keep yourself strong but also keep a little soft. Kindness must follow principles, feelings also need to be limited. For those who are unpleasant, you must repay both capital and interest, but be strong and do not lose etiquette...
I hope you don't skip petty, don't go easy on yourself. If you want to have the right to choose in the future, from right now, you must try to learn and absorb. All the things you do are not for anyone, so don't find excuses for all the consequences, you have to be responsible it yourself.
I wish you a lifetime of trying, a lifetime of being loved. On the most tiring day, meet the real another half. When you are twelve or so years old, you will probably fall in love, but don't drop, if you can't love, don't wait, absolutely don't lose your dignity. Find someone willing to be with you through the years and grow old with him.
I hope you can live the way you want. Don't flatter someone you don't like, and don't hate anyone for no reason. You always secretly notice how other people look at you, so it makes me bother. I hope you understand, don't keep things that are not worth keeping in your heart, his or her whispers are just like the wind blowing through your ears.
I pray that you will try hard. You are a girl who wants not to live a mediocre life. Someone said you are so strong, why didn't I find out? Okay, I don't quite understand you either. But don't make yourself work too hard, no matter how well the price is paid.
How could I advance in grammar skill, i can read and understand the meaning of one article or topic, but when i try to do the trial test grammar, omg, i cant believe in it
How could I advance in grammar skill, i can read and understand the meaning of one article or topic, but when i try to do the trial test grammar, omg, i cant believe in it
The best route to get better in grammar, is to learn from a teacher. English is vast, and trying to take a handful of it is not enough to cover every details you may come through. I strongly advise you to attend some seminars by verified English institutions, there you will get to know how English is applied in circumstances you never knew could exist.
Overpopulation has resulted in excessive consumerism: Biodegradables such as plastic bags are widely consumed for packaging, and since these would take hundreds of years to decompose after being buried under the ground. Consequently, the problem of soil degradation would be exacerbated.
Overpopulation has resulted in excessive consumerism: Biodegradables such as plastic bags are widely consumed for packaging, and since these would take hundreds of years to decompose after being buried under the ground. Consequently, the problem of soil degradation would be exacerbated.
i'm 35 years old. Now i want to study English to improve my Job to get hight level.
My listening skill very very bad, i cannot hear what did they said, so, can you show me how to improve that?
How to learn vocabulary, Gramma (web, app,...)
how to learn writing,...

Thanks all